We Build Community. With over 2,700 members and over 40 chapters organized in four councils, fraternity and sorority life offers a unique lifelong involvement opportunity that can be one of the most significant and rewarding experiences of a lifetime. We are a community of commitment that has been a UConn tradition for over 130 years and it is our hope that you will find that our award winning fraternity and sorority community espouses excellence, integrity, and honor.
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老王2.2.012:00am 8/8
Beta Theta Pi Founders' Day
vn.py - OKEX,初始化的时候,只能下载最近两天的数据 ...:2021-1-25 · 是因为没有Tick数据吧,1token给的都是K线数据,vn好像需要k T两组数据才能跑起来,而且 行情连接很不稳定,好像是服务器那边有限制,强制要求某些时间内要回复API服务器,不然就T掉。。。。 大兄弟你报vn的培训班了的?看你的截图上策略是培训班的。
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
NationalBeta Theta Pi was founded on this dated at Miami University in Ohio.Contact Information: OFSL uconnfsl@gmail.com
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虚数之域_蒸蒸日上(日二更,日常求收与推)_起点中文网 ...:1 天前 · 虚数之域最新章节阅读,虚数之域是一部游戏小说,由大藕平安喜乐创作,起点提供首发更新。蒸蒸日上(日二更,日常求收与推)(2021.06.07)1:00pm
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【老皮/皮肤视频】LOL EZ新未来战士与电玩皮肤对比视频 ...:2021-12-11 · flash插件异常,下载官方flash 插件 英雄联盟 01:18 【皮肤对比】阿卡丽新版鬼舞姬皮肤与旧版鬼舞姬皮肤对比 ... 二次元LoveDM直播重回《LOL》,VN输出逆天,结果..... 二 二次元LoveDM 03:53 LOL电玩系列全皮肤视频 夜 夜猫丶蛋 游戏 娱加欢乐 Ta的视频 ...
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
http://uconn-cmr.webex.com/uconn-cmr/j.php?MTID=m949a5dff03a678e2bff7c2f1bd86d875This meeting is for fraternities and sororities that plan to intake new members and conduct recruitment and new member education activities during the Fall 2025 semester.Contact Information: jamel.catoe@uconn.edu
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Iota Phi Theta Founders' Day12:00am 9/19
Iota Phi Theta Founders' Day
Saturday, September 19th, 2025
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
NationalIota Phi Theta was founded on this date in 1963 at Morgan State University.Contact Information: i7zape.wcbzw.com

Aug 3

#ChapterHighlight: ΑΧΩ ! The Kappa Tau chapter of Alpha Chi Omega was founded at the University of Connecticut on November 15, 2014. Kappa Tau has become an amazing sisterhood due to their founding members who set the standard for a powerful chapter. Their success as sisters has been a direct result of their own sisterhood, greek, and philanthropic events, as well as the advantage of founding membership.
Check out their instagram page for more information!
#UConnAlphaChiOmega #alphachiomega #uconnfsl ...
Aug 3

#CouncilSpotlight: This week we highlight the Panhellenic Council (UCPC) at UConn! The Panhellenic Council is the governing council for the National Panhellenic Conference organizations and national engineering sorority. The Council works hard to unite each of these groups and is charged with developing leadership opportunities, educational events, social interactions, community service and philanthropic activities and advocacy for Panhellenic sororities. The organizations recruit new members in the beginning of the fall semester as well as a few recruit members during the spring semester.
#Staytuned as we will highlight each chapter from the council everyday this week! #UConnPanhellenic #gettoknowourcouncil ...
Jul 31

UConn Student Health and Wellness has a free Consultation and Support program virtually for all Storrs students! You can “Meet” with a therapist by video or phone for confidential support, Monday through Friday (1-3pm). Schedule online at myhealth.uconn.edu or call 860-486-4705
#Swipe for a few helpful apps for anxiety & stress relief ...
Jul 31

#ChapterHighlight: ΔΦΩ ! The sisters of UConn Colony of Delta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc strongly believe that education is a fundamental part in developing strong leaders and building a limitless future. Therefore, their philanthropy is Children’s Education and Literacy.
Check out their instagram page for more information!
#UConnDeltaPhiOmega #deltaphiomega #uconnfsl ...
Jul 31

#ChapterHighlight: ΔΦΛ ! The sisters of the Rho Chapter of Delta Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc at UConn display the Virtues of loyalty, honesty, respect, dedication, integrity, discipline, and academic excellence.
Check out their instagram page for more information!
#UConnDeltaPhiLambda #deltaphilambda #uconnfsl ...
Jul 30

#AlumniSpotlight 🌟: This week we are excited to highlight Chrismine Brun! Chrismine shared with us her career path post-UConn and the work that she does in the Black Community. We are glad to see that she continues to stay involved in the grad chapter of her organization!
We would love to hear from you alumni! Please reach out to us for a chance to get featured. ...